


"We appreciate everything you and Hils do to make the girls so excited about netball. Lottie loves it so much - you know she’ll be volunteering as a coach when she’s old enough, right?!  She can’t get enough of it & as parents, sport helps with so many things young people have to deal with these days so we’re with you all the way."

A massive thank you to you both.. Our daughter got the sports scholarship.  She is chuffed to bits as we all are.  Thanks for building such a great netball family for her.
"Eve benefitted massively from her time with you and really enjoyed it. She is very sorry to have to leave. Many thanks to all the team for their enthusiasm encouragement and support. It is an amazing club"

"Just wanted to say a massive thank you for all of your hard work this term...... Marcie and Lily are thoroughly enjoying their netball and as ever, they’d be delighted to play at any extra opportunity!"

"A big thank you for your time, help and support for Florence, Lily and Molly.  Florence in particular has gone from wanting to stay indoors on her iPhone to literally not stop talking about going to netball. She's loving it (and loves being part of the team competing) and we are loving her being out of the house and exercising."

"Thank you for such a great Awards Ceremony on Saturday - Cosi was so so proud to win a trophy and get a medal. Aside from this, ​she has really loved her involvement at Cardinals Netball so far and the set-up you have created is really fantastic; it was clear looking round the room that there is so much support, enjoyment and positive encouragement for these young girls. I know how much hard work it must take to organise these events, alongside Saturday training and matches etc. It is much appreciated - thank you!"

"I just wanted to say a huge thanks for Tara’s prize. It was very unexpected and a delight to see the surprise on Tara’s face.  Tara loves playing netball for Cardinals, and I really think that the encouraging style of coaching that she receives goes a long way.
Thank you!"

"To Kate, Hils and the Cardinals team of fab coaches.... we would like to say a HUGE thank you for welcoming us to your fantastic club... it has been a major contributing factor to us settling so successfully into UK life! "


Give us a call!

Kate 07794452166

Hils  07956445791

or contact us via our online contact form.




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